Sunday, March 13, 2011

Who do you say that I am?

Today's sermon, delivered by guest preacher the Rev. Rebekah Simon-Peter, was titled "Who do you say that I am?" Taken from Matthew 16:13-20, it is the question Jesus asks his disciples before Simon answers "You're the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God."

Which got me to thinking: If someone came up and asked me today who Jesus is, what would I say?

I wish I could say my answer would be similar to Peter's. Unfortunately, I think it would depend on the day someone asked me and the mood I was in.

I'm certain I wouldn't ever deny Jesus the way Peter did three times on the night before Jesus' death on the cross. (Of course, there's very little chance that I would face crucifixion if I say I'm his friend, either.) But what words would I use? Friend? Confidant? God made flesh? One-third of the Trinity?

All of these things are true, but my attitude toward Jesus differs from day to day. The honest truth is that some days I feel closer to him than others. And even when I pray, I'm not sure who I'm praying to -- God or Jesus. But since they are one and the same, does it matter?

All of this is just a long-winded way to say I wish I had a closer relationship with Jesus and could share all of my hopes and desires with him all day long. Maybe that's something we all wish for. Am I alone in this thought? I doubt it.

So my prayer today is that all of us may experience a closer walk with Jesus, our friend and constant companion. Amen.

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