Monday, April 4, 2011

Sending some kudos God's way

Yesterday's youth group discussion was about prayer. Several times, in several different ways, I asked the youth this question: What's the main thing keeping you from praying on a regular basis?

Being the honest young people they are, their answers varied from "too lazy" to "don't see what good it does." The bottom line for them, I believe, is that most -- if not all -- are not convinced God really exists, since they haven't seen Him with their own eyes (I understand; I've been in their shoes.). More on that another day.

But as Lindy and I gave our testimony about the times we pray, I got to thinking about the times when I don't pray, but I should.

Such as when things are going well in my life.

Oh sure, when I'm facing a challenge I don't think I can overcome, I'm on the "red phone" to God as if it were a nuclear emergency and I need a counterattack -- STAT!

But what about thanking him for the blessings in my life? Yeah, I do that from time to time, mostly over meals and when I pray in groups. But what about when small things go well throughout the day?

Just as we like to hear bits of praise from our boss, our colleagues, our friends and our family, don't you think God likes it when we send some kudos His way? Don't you think He gets bombarded enough 24-7, 365 with pleas for help?

Which is why I wanted to pause today and say thanks, God, for all you do. Thanks for the gentle nudges and less-subtle slaps upside the head when I need them. Thanks for the blessings of family, friends, job and enough resources to provide for my family. Most of all, thanks for wanting to have a relationship with me -- a sinner who often falls short of your will for my life, yet loves me anyway!


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