Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another reminder to "Slow Down"

Here's another reminder from Christian rock group Third Day to "Slow Down" on this day of rest:

Slow Down

Tell me to slow down
If you think that the road that I'm on is going nowhere
Tell me to slow down
If you know that I'm going too fast for my own good
Tell me to slow down
If the way is leading to a dead end
Tell me to slow down
Turn around, let me change the way I'm going

Oh, I don't want to let go
Of all the things that I know
Are keeping me away from my life
Oh, I don't want to slow down
No, I don't want to look around
But I can't seem to work it out
So help me, God

Tell me to slow down
If you see that I'm running too fast in the wrong race
Tell me to slow down
If you think that I can't keep up with my own pace
Tell me to slow down
'Cause you know if there's ever any question
Tell me slow down
Turn around, and I'm changing my direction

Here's the video:

Even though the song is addressing avoiding drugs and other poor life choices (at least as evidenced by the video), I challenge you to read the lyrics again and think about them in a different way. How might they apply to your life?

The first time I heard the song on the CD player in my car, it was at the end of a long week and a busy Friday. I probably don't have to tell you that I felt they were singing directly to me.

Here's hoping you're having a restful Sabbath on this fourth Sunday of Lent. Until tomorrow ...

1 comment:

  1. Well Brian-- yes indeed I had a restful Sabbath. After fighting a white-out on the drive home from church, I thought I'd take a nap. And nap I did -- my cat and I slept for two hours. Now I feel "slowed down" for sure.
    And completely rested and ready for tomorrow.
